Saturday, March 22, 2014

Pelican Bay

A favorite stop on the way south is anchoring in Pelican Bay on the inside of Cayo Costa and it did not disappoint. A couple nights at anchor is the perfect way to relax in this scenic well protected bay. Exploring Cayo Costa gives the opportunity for a walk on the white sandy beach of the Gulf. 

Watching the Manattees play in the lagoon

Friday, March 21, 2014

Venice and seeing friends

Our first night found us anchored on Sarasota Bay near downtown. After a bumpy night it was time to pull up anchor and head to Venice Yacht Club.  To our surprise we were greeted by Nina Glover, she and Rod were a couple slips over on Thistle and later we got together for nibbles, sips and lots of cruising conversation.  Our first stop was the fuel dock, then we continued south and met up with Thistle and dropped anchor in Pelican Pass, it was nap time.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Starting our new adventure

After lot's of anticipation, long time planning and hours months of preparation.
After selling a house and buying a condo (actually two), searching and finding our perfect boat, and selling our car.
After massive purging, a garage sale, many Craig's list and e-bay transactions and donations to charities,
After trip planning, boat preparations, systems checks and maintenance, spare lists and necessities list, provisioning and storing,
Moonstruck and her crew are finally ready to untie the dock lines and start on our new adventure.